E-Ink, or ePaper displays have been gaining ground in the past few years, as cost efficiencies have arrived in producing them. Though initially available in black and white, color ePaper displays are appearing more and more, in both consumer products and outdoor business advertising installations.
Now, Samsung has introduced the world’s largest (75-inch) ePaper display at ISE 2025, showing off a 16:9 aspect ratio display supports 5K resolution (5,120 x 2,880 pixels) which implies it will have high-visibility applications to suit those advertisements as well as public information boards.
For remote management, Samsung also introduced a dedicated mobile app that allows users to control the display, schedule content, and manage sleep/wake cycles from their smartphones while Samsung’s VXT (Visual eXperience Transformation) optimizes content visibility and accuracy.
Energy efficiency and image transition performance
Furthermore, this new 75-inch ePaper display supports connectivity options such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This display integrates a built-in rechargeable 5000mAh battery that can be charged via two USB-C ports, which also support data transfer to the display’s 8GB of storage.
Like the previous world’s largest 32-inch Philips Tableaux 5150I ePaper color display, Samsung color ePaper is not meant to display videos which means that it is ideal for replacing traditional paper-based communications such as posters, menus, and video-based in-store advertising.
Samsung color ePaper leverages advanced digital ink technology to deliver ultra-low power consumption and operate at an astonishing 0.00W, consuming energy only during image transitions. Plus, in line with Samsung’s commitment to sustainability, the 75-inch ePaper display is constructed using over 50% recycled plastics, and its packaging is made entirely from paper.
“For commercial displays, it is crucial to address the market’s demand for energy efficiency and simple device management, while at the same time meeting the public’s desire for immersive experiences,” said Hoon Chung, Executive Vice President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics.
“Our latest innovations, including the near-zero power Samsung Color E-Paper and advanced AI capabilities brought by all the models showcase our commitment to pioneering new markets and providing transformative business solutions worldwide.”