Shorouk Express
Spain’s stormy weather continues today, with ‘borrasca Martinho’ arriving in the peninsula and bringing rain and strong winds across large parts of the country.
The bad weather is set to continue in Spain this week as another new storm arrives in the peninsula and puts more than half the country on alert for strong winds, heavy rain and intense waves, according to Spain’s state meteorological agency (Aemet).
This follows consecutive storms and weeks of poor weather across the country. The most recent, storm Laurence, left at least two people dead. Spanish weather website El Tiempo notes that this is the fourth storm in Spain in March so far.
In just two weeks, Spain has been soaked by Storm Jana, Storm Konrad, Storm Laurence and now Storm Martinho.
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Arriving this morning, Martinho has already caused weather alerts to be issued in various parts of the country, especially in northern Spain.
Martinho will bring “widespread rain in its path, more abundant in the west, although there may also be scattered rain in the Mediterranean area,” said Rubén del Campo, Aemet spokesman.
Martinho will also cause “intense winds, with very strong gusts in coastal areas of the Bay of Biscay, parts of the Andalusian coast and mountainous areas,” he added, explaining that “gusts of over 100 km/h are possible.”
🌀La borrasca Martinho dejará el jueves rachas de viento muy fuertes. En montañas del norte peninsular podrán superarse los 100 km/h.
☔️También provocará lluvias abundantes en zonas donde ya ha llovido mucho: sistema Central y Andalucía occidental. Atención a crecidas de cauces.
— AEMET (@AEMET_Esp) March 19, 2025
Forecasts suggest that the storm will arrive first in the west, from Galicia down to Huelva, and by Friday it will begin to move eastwards, with winds of up to 120km/h in the north of the country. Snow is expected at high altitudes.
In total up to 15 regions are under some kind of weather warning, with only Murcia and Valencia currently without any.
These include the Canary Islands (wind and rough seas), Andalusia (rain, storms and rough seas), Castile y León (rain, wind) Galicia (wind and rough seas), Extremadura (wind and rain).
Aragón, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Madrid, Navarre, the Basque Country and La Rioja are all under alert for strong winds.
In all cases these are yellow level warnings, the minimum, except for in Asturias, Galicia, the Basque Country and Cantabria, which are orange, the second level of Spain’s three-level warning system.
Aemet forecasts that borrasca Martinho will continue until at least until the weekend. As the storm moves eastwards, however, the rainfall is expected to decrease in intensity.